The music in a church can become quite controversial. Some prefer singing hymns in a traditional manner, while others prefer the new modern “funky” contemporary songs. R.C. Sproul had this to say about music in the church:
“…let us return to Augustine who agreed that we can use a variety of music in our worship, but all that is done should be done with a certain gravitas, a certain solemnity, always containing the attributes of reverence and awe before the living God. The “what?” of worship, the “where?” of worship, the “when?” of worship, and especially the “how?” of worship must always be determined by the character of the One Who is the living God.”
At Crosspoint, we love to worship the Lord through singing.  We desire to sing deep theologically rich songs that will carry us through every circumstance and situation in our life.  In addition to hymns of old, we also sing modern-day hymns from hymn writers such as:
A playlist of the songs we will be singing during the upcoming Sunday worship service is made available each week: